
创建时间:  2020/08/03     浏览次数:   



高旻天,教授,东方学者,泰山学者,博士/硕士生导师。2006年博士毕业于日本大分大学环境工学专业。2006-2007年,任日本学术振兴会外国人特別研究员;2006-2007年,任日本大分大学客座研究员;2007-2010年,任丰田汽车公司中央研究所生物研究室研究员;2010-2013年,任日本产业技术综合研究所生物炼制中心特別研究员;2013-至今;任足球网教授,东方学者。学术兼职:山东省泰山学者、山东省科学院能源研究所客座研究员兼学术带头人、日本化学工学会会员、日本能源学会生物质部会会员。主要从事微生物学、发酵工学、分离工学及代谢工学等方面研究。特别在木质纤维素生物质的预处理、纤维素酶的生产、有机酸、醇发酵及分离等研究领域取得了多项创新性成果。已发表研究论文50余篇,其中SCI 30余篇;申请国内外专利10余项;主持国内外研究项目10余项。2015年被评选为足球网 “我心目中的好导师”。日本化学工学会会员、日本能源学会生物质部会会员、上海市化学化工学会生物工程专业委员会会员。



1. 从事生物资源·废弃物的循环利用及其高效利用技术方面的研究。通过开发非粮食原料的预处理工艺,改进发酵工艺和回收工艺,建立节能、环保的生物燃料/材料生产工艺;探讨生物炼制工艺在重金属污染土壤修复中的应用,建立重金属零回田的生物循环工艺。

2. 秸秆资源化及综合利用:木质纤维素水解液中酚酸类物质及单宁类物质对微生物生长和发酵的影响机理研究及其应用基础研究。研究生物质的预处理、糖化对多酚、多糖结构、酚酸类物质生成的影响。开发相应的发酵工艺及有用物质回收工艺。



[1] Shi J., Wang Y., Wei H., Hu J., Gao M-T. Structure analysis of condensed tannin from rice straw and its inhibitory effect on Staphylococcus aureus. Industrial

Crops & Products. 2020, 145, 112130.

[2] Hou.R., Shi J., Ma X., Wei H., Hu J., Tsang Y.F., Gao M-T. Effect of phenolic acids derived from rice straw on Botrytis cinerea and infection on tomato. Waste and Biomass Valorization. In Press.

[3] Hou.R., Hu J.,Wang Y., Wei H., Gao M-T. Simultaneous production of cellulose and ferulic acid esterase by Penicillium decumbens with rice straw as the sole carbon source. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering. In Press.

[4] Ma X., Hu J., Wang X., Choi S., Zhang T-A., Tsang Y.F., Gao M-T. An integrated strategy for the utilization of rice straw: Production of plant growth promoter followed by ethanol fermentation. Process Safety and Environmental Protection.

2019, 129: 1-7.

[5] Cui S., Ma X., Wang X., Zhang T-A., Hu J., Tsang Y.F., Gao M-T. Phenolic acids derived from rice straw generate peroxides which reduce the viability of Staphylococcus aureus cells in biofilm. Industrial Crops & Products.2019,140, 111561.

[6] Ma X., Chen X., Wang X., Choi S., Zhang T-A., Hu J., Tsang Y.F., Gao M-T. Extraction of flavonoids from the saccharification of rice straw is an integrated process for straw utilization. Applied biochemistry and biotechnology. 2019.

[7] Hu J., Guo H., Wang X., Gao M.-t., Yao G., Tsang Y.F., Li J., Yan J., Zhang S. Utilization of the saccharification residue of rice straw in the preparation of biochar is a novel strategy for reducing CO 2 emissions. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 650: 1141-1148.

[8] Wang X., Cui S., Hu J., Ma X., Zhang T.-A., Tsang Y.F., Li J., Gao M.-T. Saccharides in straw hydrolysate decrease cell membrane damage by phenolics by inducing the formation of extracellular matrix in yeast. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2019, 219: 414-422.

[9] Chen X., Wang X., Xue Y., Zhang T.-A., Hu J., Tsang Y.F., Gao M.-T. Tapping the bioactivity potential of residual stream from its pretreatments may be a green strategy for low-cost bioconversion of rice straw. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2018, 186: 507-524.

[10] Chen X., Wang X., Xue Y., Zhang T.-A., Li Y., Hu J., Tsang Y.F., Zhang H., Gao M.-T. Influence of rice straw-derived dissolved organic matter on lactic acid fermentation by Rhizopus oryzae. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 2018, 125: 703-709.

[11] Hu, J.; Xue, Y.; Guo, H.; Gao, M.-t.; Li, J.; Zhang, S.; Tsang, Y. F. Design and composition of synthetic fungal-bacterial microbial consortia that improve lignocellulolytic enzyme activity. Bioresource Technology, 2017, 227: 247-255.

[12] Zheng, W.; Zheng, Q.; Xue, Y.; Hu, J.; Gao, M.-T. Influence of rice straw polyphenols on cellulase production by Trichoderma reesei. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 2017, 123: 731-738.

[13] Zheng, W.; Chen, X.; Xue, Y.; Hu, J.; Gao, M.-T.; Tsang, Y. F. The influence of soluble polysaccharides derived from rice straw upon cellulase production by Trichoderma reesei. Process Biochemistry, 2017, 61: 130-136.

[14] Xue, Y.; Wang, X.; Chen, X.; Hu, J.; Gao, M.-T.; Li, J. Effects of different cellulases on the release of phenolic acids from rice straw during saccharification. Bioresource Technology, 2017, 234: 208-216.

[15] Wang, X.; Tsang, Y. F.; Li, Y.; Ma, X.; Cui, S.; Zhang, T.-A.; Hu, J.; Gao, M.-T. Inhibitory effects of phenolic compounds of rice straw formed by saccharification during ethanol fermentation by Pichia stipitis. Bioresource Technology, 2017, 244: 1059-1067.

[16] Chen, X.; Xue, Y.; Hu, J.; Tsang, Y. F.; Gao, M.-T. Release of polyphenols is the major factor influencing the bioconversion of rice straw to lactic acid. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2017, 183: 685-698.

[17] Gao, M.-T.; Chen, X.; Zheng, W.; Xu, Q.; Hu, J. Calcium and manganese affect ethanol fermentation by Pichia stipitis in cadmium-containing medium by inhibiting cadmium uptake. Civil, architecture and environmental engineering, volume 1. CRC Press/Balkema, 2017.

[18] Zheng, Q.; Zheng, W.; Chen, R.; Hu, J.; Li, W.; Zhang, A.; Zhang, J.; Gao, M.-T. Use of a thermoresponsive polymer in ethanol fermentation carried out in a cadmium-containing medium. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 2016, 85: 25-31.

[19] Xu, Q.; Wu, M.; Hu, J.; Gao, M.-T. Effects of nitrogen sources and metal ions on ethanol fermentation with cadmium-containing medium. Journal of Basic Microbiology, 2016, 56: 26-35.

[20] Hu, J.; Xu, Q.; Wu, M.; Meng, X.; Song, R.; Gao, M. Improved ethanol production in the presence of cadmium ions by a Saccharomyces cerevisiae transformed with a novel cadmium-resistance gene dvcrp1. Environmental Technology, 2016, 37: 2945-2952.

[21] 张天翱, 郑威, 胡佳俊, 高旻天. 稻秆发酵生产纤维素酶的基质预处理工艺研究. 工业微生物, 2018, 48: 7-13.

[22] 胡佳俊; 高旻天. 基于科学实验探索的土壤学教学改革及实践. 教育教学论坛, 2016: 252-253.

[23] 胡佳俊; 朱仁懿; 高旻天. Acremonium 纤维素酶在玉米芯糖化中的应用. 工业微生物, 2015: 1-6.


[1] 利用秸秆制备香草醛和 4-乙烯基愈创木酚的方法.

[2] 一种秸秆糖化残渣制备的生物碳及其作为土壤改良剂的应用.

[3] 从秸秆中提取纤维素酶生产诱导剂的方法及其在秸秆糖化中的应用.

[4] 一种强化膜生物反应器污染物去除性能的方法.

[5] 从甜叶菊秸秆中提取黄酮的方法.

[6] 秸秆多酚-单糖联产工艺.

[7] 利用秸秆浸提液提高微生物培养及发酵效率的方法.

[8] 一种利用温敏聚合物螯合污染土壤中重金属的方法.

[9] 含有重金属螯合基的温敏聚合物及其制备方法和应用.


[1] 秸秆多酚. Q/320411BNX001-2018.

[2] 植物酚酸. Q/320411BNX002-2019.

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